A Man’s World. 

I’m “advised” on how I’m allowed to act. That I can feel whatever, but if it’s not happiness I must hold the rest back.

Its suggested that he can do no wrong. He’s tired of talking and it’s the same old song. 

I was told “it’s not okay to come over in a bad mood” and I laugh because I can do whatever the fuck I want to. 

I think sometimes men forget that it’s not a man’s world anymore. That we can slam all the same doors. We can be misogynistic, too. Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. 

I’m sorry you’re tired of pretending to care. I didn’t know I exhausted you with all my annoying feelings that are too much to bear. 

I’ll just stay home and bottle them up while I sew. I’ll hem his work pants and find some plants to help grow.

Or I’ll feel however I want. I’ll act however I please. Who asks for anyone to bottle up how they feel? Who truly deserves the apology? 

12 thoughts on “A Man’s World. 

  1. Fuck them! I’m sick of them and their ways! Power to the women! I love your post. Side note I do love my husband ! But yeah….Do NOT tell me how to feel and do NOT judge me or blame me or victimize me.

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    1. I just can’t imagine telling someone I don’t want to see them unless they “act the same.” Especially if i was the reason they were upset in the first place. What makes some people (in this case, a man) think they can tell people they “love” to basically bottle up their emotions is completely insane. I don’t even have words to describe how crazy it is!!

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      1. Denial, false pretenses. But if a man will live like that and put those stipulations on a female then what does he want?? A robot? A programmed being? Male domination by aggressively pushing a woman into submission. The fact that they are saying it means that it goes far deeper in their core of not giving a SHIT about the true being and core being and heart of another.

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